DUI DOCUMENTARY GEARING UP: We will start interviews in June for an in-depth look at the consequences of driving drunk and we need your input. Most cautionary films focus on the victims of the crime. And after all, the victims are who we serve by getting through to the perpetrators. But those who choose to drink and drive often don't relate to these stories and they don't consider themselves bad drivers or "one of those" people. Until it happens to them.
The person who has gone down this life-changing rabbit hole may be standing right next to you. It may be your co-worker, your boss, the woman behind you in yoga class, the church volunteer friend, or it may be YOU. We want to spotlight the decent, everyday, ordinary individuals who have made this mistake and the train wreck that results.
We know the shame and guilt that comes with the DUI arrest and how difficult it is to talk about. But we need your story to make the point. Come share your experience with us and find compassion and understanding from others who've "been there". Join with us to reveal just how much impact the first-time arrest has on the otherwise upstanding citizen. The hope is that others will see themselves mirrored in your story and make different choices the next time they drink.
We have already had a number of brave souls step up to the plate and we will be setting up interviews soon and look forward to talking to them. We are still in need of a few more WOMEN. If this is your story, reach out to me. There is no pay for being interviewed, but there is redemption in sharing so that others might learn from your experience. Please contact me, or help pass the word. Or both. Thank you.
For more information, email heather@wrightlairdcasting.com.